Jackson and I took a little road trip up to Seattle yesterday. We had many things to do and see while in town for a short period of time. I tried to take pictures throughout the day, but keep in mind they are all taken off of my phone.
We left our house at about 8:30 with the sun finally pecking out and laughing at us while we drove away unto what looked like a very rainy day.Here is Jackson on the way there watching a movie
We stopped off at Chad and Becky's apartment to pick them up on the way to lunch...Paseo's (according to Chad, the best pulled pork sandwich around). It was slammed when we got there, but it was worth the short wait. Anyway, we ate lunch and then went over to Evo where we needed to try a helmet and ski boots on Jackson and I needed to finalize my ski boot selection and grab some skis.
Helmet on...check - skis on...check...
Where are the skis?
Chad, Danny Niffin and I poked around Evo for a while as Becky and Jackson went to get some hot chocolate. I didn't capture a picture of Jackson drinking that, but it was quite amusing with large amount of chocolate creating a very sexy mustache. We then drove back to Chad and Becky's, dropped off the car and we off on the next adventure...riding the bus downtown to the Pike Place Market. If you haven't ever been to the public market, it is quite a treat. It always smells the same, looks the same, and sounds the same, but always draws you back. Jackson has two favorite things to do there, the first is the fish market where the throw fish from one person to another in order to package it all up.
Chad and Jackson in front of some nice looking Mahi-Mahi
Jackson's second favorite thing about the market (and his mothers first favorite thing) is heading over to the donut stand for some fresh donuts. I will admit, they are good little things. You buy a 1/2 dozen or a full dozen for about 4 bucks, and they are hot off the greaser!
Once we stuff our faces full of greasy cinnamon donuts we headed back to the bus stop. Wait that is not the right stop, let's walk over the over one 2 blocks away. Shoot, let's now run back to the original stop to pick up the one we thought we missed. As we ran back to the stop it turned into a race (shocking, i know) and Jackson won. We caught the bus and headed back to Ballard for some dinner.
Ride home
We settled on Thai food. Jackson had some chicken noodle soup. Per the usual, he ate just part of it and then said how full he was. After dinner, Jackson and I hit the road to head back to Portland. So, we said our goodbye's and were on the road for the 3 hour ride. But, before we could leave Seattle, we needed to add a little more sugar to our systems. Thanks to Molly Moon's we did just that!

Creamsicle Flavor!
Yeah, I had some too.
Alright, we are now officially on the road. It only took one movie and 5 minutes of crying before Jackson fell asleep. Before we knew it, we were home. Man, was I exhausted. It was a great day that I will remember for a while. I'm think Jackson was pretty tired as well!