It has been pretty incredible here over the past 5 or 6 days. Zero rain, 58-65 degree temps and tons o sun. My parents were in town last week so they really lucked out. I was able to get out for a couple rides this weekend. Saturday did 50 fast and hilly miles with about 21 other guys. It was a great, but I was whooped at the end. Yesterday, I met up with one other guy for about 30 miles. We went at a pretty good pace, and the route was flat, so that made my weary legs happy. We did an out and back to Sauvie Island. Here are a few pics I took from the same spot. I could see all four peaks perfectly. My phone doesn't take the best pics, but you get the idea.

Mt. Hood

Mt. Adams

Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Rainier
Great pictures Steve. Any chance we can get a couple of them in high quality digital? Thanks again for a great week.